Your Blood Lyrics – Aurora

Read the lyrics Your Blood Lyrics – Aurora. Is Its Classy Lyrics Are Written by Aurora & Chris GreattiIs Its Official Music Video Has been Released On November 8, 2023. And Present On The YouTube Channel.
” raw” by dawn is a haunting and introspective lyric that delves into the intricate contents of mortal actualityadaptability, and the cyclical colors of life. With lyrical lyricism, the song explores the tropical connections between the natural chops and rudiments like clan, ground, and the apers of one’s own say in the colorless blare of bio. sunup invites listeners to chew over mortality, the frays fronted, and the eventuality for revitalization after blazing out. The recreating content of dust serves as a affecting conceit for the flash and participated clay of mortal actuality.

Your Blood Lyrics – Aurora

Your Blood Lyrics – Aurora

[Verse 1]
Your blood, what matter is it made of?
Do you feel it travel in and out your heart?
Needles, stitching up the big holes
You prepared for battle, as you fell apart

Explanation of Verse 1
The singer reflects on the human body, asking about the composition of blood and whether the person feels its circulation in and out of their heart. The mention of needles and stitching suggests a readiness for battle or challenges, even in the face of falling apart.

Are you dust?
You are dust

 Explanation of Refrain
The singer poses the question “Are you dust?” suggesting a transient and impermanent nature. This theme is reiterated in the subsequent refrains.

[Verse 2]
Your voice drowning in the white noise
Do you hear the echo begging you to let go?
(Let go, let go, let go)
This earth, whoever was it made for?
Just wait until tomorrow, it might not be as cold
(Cold, cold, cold, cold, cold)

 Explanation of  Verse 2
The lyrics delve into the idea of losing oneself in the “white noise,” perhaps representing the distractions or challenges of life. There’s a call to let go and a contemplation of the purpose of existence on Earth. The mention of tomorrow being less cold implies hope and the changing nature of circumstances.


 Explanation of  Pre-Chorus
Repetitive vocalizations lead into the chorus, creating a sense of build-up and anticipation.

When all inside you burns like a star
It’s after you burn out that you are reborn again, reborn again
And maybe if you called out for help
Then I could help you outrun yoursеlf
Come run again, we’ll run again

 Explanation of Chorus
The chorus emphasizes the transformative nature of hardship. blazing like a sun is a conceit for deep gests , and the idea that one is freshened after glowing out suggests adaptability and duplication. There is alike an proffer of aid if the person calls out for it.

But I, I refusе to die
I refuse to die
But I, I refuse to die
I refuse to die

Explanation of Bridge
The dirt emphasizes the turndown to bow to protests or” die,” buttressing the theme of adaptability.

We are dust, hmm
We are dust

Explanation of Refrain
The refrain repeats the idea that “we are dust,” emphasizing the transient nature of human existence.

When all inside you burns like a star
It’s after you burn out that you are reborn again, reborn again
And maybe if you called out for help
Then I could help you outrun yourself
Come run again, come run again

Explanation of  Chorus 
The chorus is repeated, reinforcing the message of renewal and the potential for a fresh start after difficult experiences.

You are dust
You are dust
You are dust
You are dust
You are dust
You are dust
You are dust

Explanation of Refrain
The refrain repeats the idea that “we are dust,” emphasizing the transient nature of human existence.

Your blood, what matter is it made of?
Do you feel it travel in and out your heart?

Explanation of Outro
The outro echoes the questions posed in the first verse, bringing the song full circle.
The poems communicate a feel of recourse, adaptability, and the cyclical character of bio, applying conceits like dust and burning stars to explore the mortal experience.