Malamente Lyrics – Tedua

Read the lyrics Malamente Lyrics – Tedua. Is Its Classy Lyrics Are Written By Tedua, Shune, Chris Nolan & Dibla. Is Its Official Music Video Has been Released On June 2, 2023. And Present On The YouTube Channel. And lyrics can be seen above here.

The lyrics by Tedua claw into a profound soul-searching, addressing particular struggles, societal challenges, and reflections on courage and authenticity. Through pictorial imagery and introspective musings, Tedua navigates themes of difficulty, disillusionment, and the delicate balance between tone- mindfulness and societal prospects.

Malamente Lyrics – Tedua

Malamente Lyrics – Tedua

Che ore sono Chris?
È l’ora di fare cash

Explanation of intro
In this brief preface, Tedua is asking Chris for the time. still, rather of pertaining to the factual time, he directly suggests that it’s time to make plutocrat or induce cash. The line blends the nonfictional inquiry about time with the tropological notion of taking action to earn wealth or profit.

[verse 1]
Sangue su di me, ferite sul mio corpo
Ma non ho più lacrime, non piove sul mio volto
Le bombe sulla Terra, forse poi verrà la guerra
E io sarò con te, io sarò con te
A prenderti in soccorso, a chiedermi se è vero
Che Dio è cieco e pure sordo
Mentre piove dal cielo ogni speranza di futuro
Perché credo che un domani le certezze andranno in fumo
Come quello che spacciavi

Explanation of verse 1
In these lines, Tedua reflects on enduring difficulty, represented by injuries and a lack of gashes. He contemplates the possibility of war and expresses a amenability to support someone through tough times. Tedua questions the fairness of God in the face of despair and foresees a future where established beliefs and assurances will evaporate, akin to the way commodity precious he formerly vended ended up fading.

Io lo so chе non ho dato rose, solo guai
Tu, però, mi fai il doppio della dosе che mi dai
Guardami, senza vento e senz’alberi
Mandami luce in fondo negli inferi

Explanation of pre chorus
In thispre-chorus, Tedua acknowledges that he hasn’t offered positivity or affable gests , only trouble. still, he recognizes that the person he is addressing gives him double the quantum of what they admit. He asks to be seen indeed in adverse circumstances, craving for light indeed in the depths of despair or darkness.

Mi confonderai tra la gente
E mi troverai (Come?) malamente
Con i tagli sulla schiena
Gli occhi rossi da fumera
Nella bufera
Mi troverai, veramente

Explanation of chorus
In the chorus, Tedua addresses about being incorrect for just another person in the crowd, but if looked nearly, he will be set up in a sorry state cuts on his reverse, red eyes from smoking. Despite the chaos, he emphasizes that is where he will truly be set up. The lines paint a picture of being lost in the crowd yet distinctly recognizable due to his physical state, inferring a sense of authenticity amidst adversity.

[Verse:2 ]
Odio essere mediocre e lo son stato troppe volte
Mi ero perso nella notte con le note del block notes
Vedo facce sconvolte nelle rivolte alla tele
In fondo a un cratere il mondo cadere
Angeli con le catene
Baby, guardami bene
Senza musica non arrivavo a fine mese
Non ci stavo con le spese
Non mi conviene avere continuamente troppe pretese
Ma ‘sti ragazzi sono pazzi
Con problemi familiari e lacune culturali
Ero così in para quando non sapevo che fare da grande
Fratello studia e impara
Che la strada fa da scuola, ma non è una buona madre

Explanation of verse 2
In this verse, Tedua expresses misprision for mediocrity, having endured it constantly. He reminisces about getting lost in the night, writing notes. He observes the fermentation on TV during demurrers, emblematizing a world in collapse. Tedua reflects on his once struggles, indicating that without music, he could not make ends meet, floundering with charges. He highlights the challenges faced by youthful people with family issues and educational gaps, advising them to study, suggesting the thoroughfares are not the stylish schoolteacher despite their assignments.

Io lo so chе non ho dato rose, solo guai
Tu, però, mi fai il doppio della dosе che mi dai
Guardami, senza vento e senz’alberi
Mandami luce in fondo negli inferi

Explanation of pre chorus
In thispre-chorus, Tedua acknowledges that he hasn’t offered positivity or affable gests , only trouble. still, he recognizes that the person he is addressing gives him double the quantum of what they admit. He asks to be seen indeed in adverse circumstances, craving for light indeed in the depths of despair or darkness.

Mi confonderai tra la gente
E mi troverai (Come?) malamente
Con i tagli sulla schiena
Gli occhi rossi da fumera
Nella bufera
Mi troverai, veramente

Explanation of chorus
In the chorus, Tedua addresses about being incorrect for just another person in the crowd, but if looked nearly, he will be set up in a sorry state cuts on his reverse, red eyes from smoking. Despite the chaos, he emphasizes that is where he will truly be set up. The lines paint a picture of being lost in the crowd yet distinctly recognizable due to his physical state, inferring a sense of authenticity amidst adversity.

Il futuro è in mano ai deboli che si sono fatti coraggio
E io me lo sono fatto
Ma per farsi coraggio bisogna sapersi guardare dentro
L’autocritica pretende consapevolezza
Auguro a tutti voi che la vostra umiltà non
Si trasformi in insicurezza
E che la vostra sicurezza non si trasformi in arroganza

Explanation of Bridge
In this bridge, Tedua reflects on courage, stating that the future belongs to the weak who have set up the strength within themselves, a quality he claims to retain. He emphasizes the significance of soul-searching and tone- mindfulness for erecting courage. Tedua wishes that everyone’s modesty does not turn into instability and that their confidence does not come arrogance. The lines accentuate the delicate balance between modesty and confidence, prompting tone- reflection and temperance in character traits.

Mi confonderai tra la gente
E mi troverai (Come?) malamente
Con i tagli sulla schiena
Gli occhi rossi da fumera
Nella bufera
Mi troverai, veramente

Explanation of chorus
In the chorus, Tedua addresses about being incorrect for just another person in the crowd, but if looked nearly, he will be set up in a sorry state cuts on his reverse, red eyes from smoking. Despite the chaos, he emphasizes that is where he will truly be set up. The lines paint a picture of being lost in the crowd yet distinctly recognizable due to his physical state, inferring a sense of authenticity amidst adversity.

The lyrics explore particular struggles, societal issues, and reflections on courage and tone- mindfulness. Tedua delves into themes of difficulty, authenticity amidst chaos, misprision for mediocrity, and the delicate balance between modesty and confidence. Throughout, there is a blend of soul-searching, societal compliances, and advice woven into the verses and choruses.