Angelo All’Inferno Lyrics – Tedua & Salmo

Read the lyrics Now Angelo All’Inferno Lyrics – Tedua & Salmo Is Its Classy Lyrics Are Written By Tedua, Salmo, Federica Abbate, Zef, Shune, Raige & Dibla Is Its Official Music Video Has been Released On June 2, 2023 And Present On The YouTube Channel. And lyrics can be seen above here.

The lyrics claw into the paradoxical nature of an angel’s descent into fermentation, pressing the rapid-fire shift from grace to suffering. Federica Abbate’s reflective chorus touches on the implied acknowledgment of enduring difficulty and the desire for defensive guidance amidst grueling situations. The song grapples with the discrepancy between elysian innocence and the harsh reality of passing torment, eliciting a sense of vulnerability and craving forsupport.

Angelo All'Inferno Lyrics – Tedua & Salmo

Angelo All’Inferno Lyrics – Tedua & Salmo

Certe volte non mantengo, certe cose che ti ho detto
Ma tu mi tratti come se fossi un angelo all’inferno
(Inferno, inferno, inferno, inferno)

Explanation of intro
In this intro, Tedua acknowledges his failure to uphold certain pledges or statements made to someone. Despite this, he feels that the other person treats him as if he were an angel in hell, emphasizing a perceived sense of undeserved kindness or remission despite his failings. The reiteration of” conflagration” creates a discrepancy between his defective nature and the unanticipated kindness or acceptance he receives.

[verse 1]
Sono un boss come in Honduras
Voglio la villa al mare con tutto
Il perimetrale collegato alla questura
Tedua nella selva oscura, ma ogni belva che ha paura
Resta dietro dov’è tetro tipo dentro in gattabuia
E allora leva quella tua spada dalla
Mia vena poetica (Vena poetica)
Frena la lingua, parla o vuoi fare il gangsta d’America?
Il mio primo bullo era uno zingaro
Di Quarto Oggiaro col coltello tra le mani
Ascoltavo rap quando andavo dai servizi sociali (Oh)
Il disco esce in ritardo come l’arresto di Denaro
Ma non l’ho fatto per denaro, me lo dà perché son bravo

Explanation of verse
In this verse, Tedua portrays himself as a important figure, aspiring for a luxurious life but admitting the darkness within himself. He contrasts his lyrical nature with a call to defy fear and violence. Tedua references his parenting in a tough neighborhood, recalling hassles with adversity and emphasizing his fidelity to music for skill rather than financial gain.

Ma ti sembra normale che un
Un angelo cade e succede l’inferno?
Che anche se non ne parli ci siamo già dentro da un po’
E tu che mi stringevi il cuore tra le mani
Ma ci sarebbero bastate un paio d’ali

Explanation of chorus
In this chorus sung by Federica Abbate, there is a contemplation on the irony of an angel falling and incontinently passing hell, indicating the nippy transition from grace to suffering. The lyrics reflect the idea that despite not openly admitting it, they have been immersed in a grueling situation for a while. The songster addresses someone who held their heart, suggesting that a brace of bodies might have served to navigate through the difficulty, emblematizing a need for protection or support in delicate times.

Certe volte non mantengo
Certe cose che ti ho detto
Ma tu ti dimenticherai che (Cosa?)
Anche un angelo ha il suo inferno
(Anche un angelo ha il suo inferno)
(Inferno, inferno, inferno, inferno)

Explanation of post chorus
In thispost-chorus, Tedua acknowledges his inconsistency in keeping pledges or statements made to someone. He suggests that the person might forget that indeed an angel has its own interpretation of hell or struggles, emphasizing the repetitious cycle of an angel passing their own form of torment amidst moments of unfulfilled commitments.

[verse 2]
Spegni la luce quando senti ‘sto pezzo
La musica seduce, siamo nudi al cospetto (Ah)
Sputo fuori fumo, faccio un cerchio perfetto
Il male è già in natura, quindi mi sento protetto
Se la nave affonda, continuiamo il concerto (Ah)
Da qui non ce ne andiamo come Novecento (Yah)
Perché siamo rocce disegnate dal vento (Yeh)
Radici fanno i buchi tra le strade del centro (Yeh)
So da dove vengo anche se ho perso l’accento
Schivo sempre la gente come Lomačenko
L’inferno è un sentimento, è freddo, ti brucia dentro
Spegnilo in un soffio, l’amore ti brucia lento
All’ultimo season (Oh), lo sento chi mi ha ucciso (Oh)
Il fuoco tra il bene e il male insieme
Facciamo un threesome (Ah)
Lacrime che bagnano il sorriso (Oh)
Mi sono realizzato (Ah)
Sono diventato il diavolo in paradiso

Explanation of verse 2
In this verse, Salmo creates pictorial imagery through his lyrics, suggesting a sense of comfort in darkness when harkening to his music. He describes the enticing power of music and the vulnerability it brings, as well as his capability to produce perfect bank rings. Salmo implies a philosophical outlook by stating that wrong is essential in nature, offering a sense of protection. He directly addresses adaptability in adversity, comparing his abidance to a boat continuing its musicale despite sinking, illustrating his rootedness despite changes and his artfulness at avoiding people like a professed prizefighter. Salmo delves into the complications of feelings, painting a picture of the conflict between good and evil, depicting particular consummation and metamorphosis into commodity unanticipated.

Uh, ma ti sembra normale che un
Un angelo cade e succede l’inferno?
Che anche se non ne parli ci siamo già dentro da un po’
E tu che mi stringevi il cuore tra le mani
Ma ci sarebbero bastate un paio d’ali

Explanation of chorus
In this chorus sung by Federica Abbate, there is a contemplation on the irony of an angel falling and incontinently passing hell, indicating the nippy transition from grace to suffering. The lyrics reflect the idea that despite not openly admitting it, they have been immersed in a grueling situation for a while. The songster addresses someone who held their heart, suggesting that a brace of bodies might have served to navigate through the difficulty, emblematizing a need for protection or support in delicate times.

The lyrics explore the incongruity of an angel’s fall leading to an immediate experience of torment, directly emblematizing the nippy shift from grace to difficulty. They touch on the concealed struggles present despite implied acknowledgment, emphasizing the need for support amidst grueling circumstances. The song portrays a sense of vulnerability, meaning the discrepancy between godly innocence and the harsh reality of suffering, echoing the desire for defensive guidance during delicate times.

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